It’s settled then; a death reaper will now be going to high school on Monday morning. My mother can be so stupid from time to time, If only she knows.
Noon came and my mother suggested to wash Cross’s clothes for her and that Cross should also take a shower. Yeah, maybe she’s right at that point, Cross looks like a pig after those three days she went away to improve herself.
Afternoon came, and I went to the park together with her, she was wearing a short white floral dress paired with pink sandals, she was the most beautiful monster to have ever existed.
Her youth was quite unbelievable because even though she’s a death reaper, she enjoyed playing with other children like a normal female juvenile.
“You are lucky to have a beautiful girlfriend, take care of her.” A woman told me.
I just smiled because I have nothing to say, I wouldn’t waste the time explaining to a stranger. But she was right, Cross is really beautiful but like what I’ve said before, she is just a doll.
The sun finally set as I pushed her swing, she was enjoying it, but it was time to go, it’s getting dark.
“Cross, I think you have enough fun for today. Let’s go home.”
After uttering those words, a blonde woman with a gentleman with headphones on his ears walked pass us and Cross said “no, I haven’t have enough fun for today, I still want to play.” She smiled childishly.
The couple stopped walking after a distance. And after a second, they came back.
“So, are you the infamous Cross Apocalypse?” the woman asked.
“Yes old lady, I am Cross Apocalypse.” She answered.
“And you must be… uhm... Frank... Fra... Frankenstein…? Am I right?” She was trying to remember my name but still ended up saying Frankenstein, damn.
And I nodded. No need for explanations at this time.
The woman began speaking again.
“Vein by vein, she massacred 49 characters and 49 gamers within three days, your character, sir, is a lethal assassin.”
I couldn’t utter even a word. Lethal? She’s a screw up character who doesn’t even know what the word “pain” means.
“Are you sure you got the right one?” I asked.
“Do you think I wouldn’t be familiar with the battle cry that led 98 lives to hell?” she shouted.