


Battle Ground IX

It’s settled then; a death reaper will now be going to high school on Monday morning. My mother can be so stupid from time to time, If only she knows.

Noon came and my mother suggested to wash Cross’s clothes for her and that Cross should also take a shower. Yeah, maybe she’s right at that point, Cross looks like a pig after those three days she went away to improve herself.

Afternoon came, and I went to the park together with her, she was wearing a short white floral dress paired with pink sandals, she was the most beautiful monster to have ever existed.

Her youth was quite unbelievable because even though she’s a death reaper, she enjoyed playing with other children like a normal female juvenile.

“You are lucky to have a beautiful girlfriend, take care of her.” A woman told me.

I just smiled because I have nothing to say, I wouldn’t waste the time explaining to a stranger. But she was right, Cross is really beautiful but like what I’ve said before, she is just a doll.

The sun finally set as I pushed her swing, she was enjoying it, but it was time to go, it’s getting dark.

“Cross, I think you have enough fun for today. Let’s go home.”

After uttering those words, a blonde woman with a gentleman with headphones on his ears walked pass us and Cross said “no, I haven’t have enough fun for today, I still want to play.” She smiled childishly.

The couple stopped walking after a distance. And after a second, they came back.

“So, are you the infamous Cross Apocalypse?” the woman asked.

“Yes old lady, I am Cross Apocalypse.” She answered.

“And you must be… uhm... Frank... Fra... Frankenstein…? Am I right?” She was trying to remember my name but still ended up saying Frankenstein, damn.

And I nodded. No need for explanations at this time.

The woman began speaking again.

“Vein by vein, she massacred 49 characters and 49 gamers within three days, your character, sir, is a lethal assassin.”

I couldn’t utter even a word. Lethal? She’s a screw up character who doesn’t even know what the word “pain” means.

“Are you sure you got the right one?” I asked.

“Do you think I wouldn’t be familiar with the battle cry that led 98 lives to hell?” she shouted.

Battle Ground VIII

“Good morning master, your mother made us breakfast!” a death reaper greeted me with a smile, how ironic.

It’s been two weeks since Cross Apocalypse came into my life but I haven’t got used to it yet.

“Good morning! Eat your meals!” my mother told us.

“So how are you doing Cross?” she added.

“Master made me dinner last night! I feel so happy!” answered Cross.

It was quite weird that she notices even my slightest effort; and then, exactly at that moment, I realize that the death reaper was in love with me. That’s why after I shove her away from me when I was with Grace, her bliss slowly drifted away.

“Master, let’s go to the park today.” She voiced out of silence.

Since I don’t have a single plan this afternoon, I agreed.

It was cute for her to fall in love with me, and if she was a real person, that would be quite awesome. It’s every guys dream to get a female cutie love him. Compared to Elizabeth, Cross Apocalypse was much more beautiful; too bad she’s only a character of a game. If she was a real person, a lot of guys would fall for her but I guess if she becomes one, I guess she might not fall in love with me.

“Why not let Cross go to school, son?” my mother asked.

Believe me; I was in a state of calamity back there. I couldn’t tell her Cross is a character from a heinous world called Hiatus!

“Uhhmm.. Well, I don’t have any money to support her studies.”

“Ok, then me and your dad will cover for it, besides, your dad REALLY likes Cross.”

“Oh, ok, maybe on Monday.”

“Cross, I need to get you measurements for your uniform!”

“What’s a uniform?” cross joined in the conversation.

I wanted to mock her, but it’s not her fault that she’s not a human being.

Her being at school, I don’t really know about that. Guys might go all over her, now what? I have to take care of her all the time? Both at home and at school? Damn.

“Cross-chan is happy because he will go to master’s school.”

Even though she’s a pain, she can be quite cute… SOMETIMES.


Battle Ground VII

“Drip drop” cried the sky. It was fiercely raining that afternoon as school was dismissed. When I went outside, I opened my umbrella, but as I lift my arms, I saw the most delightful creature I ever seen; it was Elizabeth Grace Charlotte. She was the finest girl in school, and I wanted her as much as any guy does. She’s young, beautiful, intelligent, classy and belonged to a powerful family. She came towards me when she realized it was raining.

“Hey, uhhmmm... Elmo Frankenstein, right?” she wondered.

“Yeah, I mean, no, it’s Elmo Frank N. Stein. Oh never mind, what do you want?” I asked her while I bluffed pretending I’m a cool guy.

“I was just wondering if I could walk with you.” She asked.

“Oh, uhm…” I murmured.

“Don’t worry; I’ll only be with you ‘til we've reached the 2nd street, I could already get a cab from there. I’m really sorry but I forgot my umbrella today.” She said.

Well, I have no choice but to say yes. We walked for a while, yes, together. The sky might be crying yet I am having the best time of my life, being with my beloved. But as we walked by pass the park, a shadow crept behind us. The shadow seemed as a Grim Reaper, and I was right, it was Cross Apocalypse. And then I just realized, three days had already gone.

She came running towards me and spoke.

“Master!” she shouted cheerfully. “I am now stronger as you wanted.” She added.
But she had her clothes were ruined and her stench is so strong I could not even bear it. So I had to deny her infront of Elizabeth.

“I do not know you, now scram beggar, I have no change to spare.” I shouted.

The smile on her faced vanished as I spoke. It was pitiful yet I had no choice, I don’t want to get embarrassed infront of Elizabeth. She’s just a worthless marionette anyway, I am sure that she won’t mind it at all. She’s just a doll; she can neither feel nor live. What I pity is her worthless existence.

We walked pass her. It was raining but she didn’t mind as if she cares for me more than her getting drowned by the cruel storm. But it doesn’t matter, like what I’ve said, she’s only a doll.

And then, we’ve arrived on the 2nd street after a short walk.

“I guess this is it, thanks Elmo Frankenstein!” she said with a cheerful smile.

“It’s Elmo Fra –“I was interrupted by Elizabeth.

“Yeah, I know, I’m just messing with you.”

She walked away while she had an angelic smile on her face. I made her happy, and that, for me, is bliss.

While I was going home I remembered Cross, but it didn’t really bugged me because I know she can survive all by herself.

As I think about everything that has happened, absurd thoughts entered my mind;

To be honest, I never really thought something like this will happen to me; an online character is living with me and is currently dying for my victory. I haven’t really thought about it but could everything just be a dream - A delusion from what life really is. And if so, could this be a nightmare yet to come?


Battle Ground VI

With his cane, calmly, he stood there, as if nothing will happen… Indeed, Benjamin Nightingale, servant of Sebastian Bristol, is truly an impressive character.

“My cane will be the last thing you’ll see, boy.” He warned me calmly. I can’t utter anything but Cross’s name.

“You talk too much, begin.” Cross told Nightingale.

“Oh, I do admire your courage, but I am gentleman; Ladies first.” He replied.

“As you wish.” She told him as she raised her enormous scythe, Grimm.

“Let us begin the battle, shall we?” Sebastian voiced out.

Cross made the first moves as she slashed Grimm while chasing Nightingale but everything was obscure. She cannot even give him an abrupt wound. He was tremendously quick. Nightingale got tired of dodging; he began attacking my puny character.

A knife slipped out from his cane, obviously, that was his tool for his heinous killings. I guess today is Cross’s turn to offer a life.

Nightingale slashed Cross with his bare knife. Cross could not do a thing but to dodge and run. He was powerful and no novice can defeat him.

Second by second, he did not give mercy to the girl; he wounded her over and over again with his cane. Cross’s blood came raining down on us. I saw my character trembling with fear as the gentleman stabbed her. I cannot do anything, if can, I wouldn’t – it was her fight, not mine.

Cross fell on the ground, crawling towards me. I bowed my head in silence as she softly uttered “master”, this repetition made me so annoyed.

“I guess we won…” said Sebastian.

“Your character; I pity her, do you not?” Nightingale asked.

“I don’t. She’s a worthless piece of crap. We lost, she had to suffer, it was her own fault. Standing near to death isn’t enough as her punishment.”

“My, you are a douche.” Sebastian insulted me.

“You have now won, now, scram.” I calmly commanded.

When they were already away, I saw half dead body of Cross Apocalypse. I went near her. “Master” she said. “You bitch! You’ve made me lost!” I shouted furiously and kicked her repeatedly on the head.

“I am sorry master, forgive me.” She asked my forgiveness but I am not able to give to her because of my lethal anger.

“Sorry? Will that do? Will you make me win if you said sorry? No, right? So shut the fucking up! Go to the woods! Mountains! I don’t know! Just come to me after 3 days! Make sure you are strong enough to even stand up or make a single drop of blood fall out of your opponent’s flesh. Do it! Go!” I told her with such tyranny.

Though she can barely stand up, she still ran as if everything was fine. She went far off, who knows? She obeyed my commands, as long as she does what I say, victory is in our hands.


Battle Ground V




“What the crap are you doin’?!”

“Master, I am waking you up. You clearly made a command last night to wake you up at exactly 7:00 am”

“Really? I did?”

“Yes master, you did.”

It was already Saturday. I had the whole day to train her; I took her to the farthest part of the park where no one goes, just to make sure it’ll be safe for us to discover her skills. For a character labeled as “Cross Apocalypse” she is pretty weak for her massive name. I mean, who would expect a charlotte behind a bloodlust title.

As we were discovering how her agility is, I noticed that Cross completely spaced out. She was no longer moving, she was just staring at the sky. It was quite weird, maybe her program messed up.

“Master, someone’s coming.” She said calmly with her head bowing down. All I can utter was the word “What?” and a couple of minutes of silence from her, the breeze became more and more violent. And as I shivered with fear, “Hiatus has begun.” She spoke with a furious tone, “Get ready master, I will now serve my purpose.” She added.

The wind made the place as if it has been passed by a huge tornado, yet my fear was larger. The violent breeze was carrying something, or worse, someone. My eyes opened widely as two personas landed on the ground.

“Frankenstein.” He voiced out.

“If you are a gamer of Hiatus, You must be mistaken; I am Elmo Luis Frank Navy Stein.”

“Then I am not mistaken, you clearly told me you are Frankenstein.”

“No, you got it all wrong. You see, I am not the so called ‘Frankenstein’ I am Frank, my middle name is N and my surname is Stein, So as you can see, I am not the one you are referring to.”

“Oh dear Frankenstein, let us start the battle, shall we?”

Damn. Now I got a stupid nickname, Frankenstein, shit! This player is quite a gentleman for a gamer. He wore expensive clothing; I think that kind of outfit is worn during a tournament match in golf, which means he must really be rich. But he’s character was more interesting. His character wore an eighteenth century tuxedo with a black Jaxon hat from the same time line; he also had a black cane and a lorgnette, a type of eye glasses for only an eye. Generally, his character seemed an eighteenth century gentleman.

As I spaced out at the moment, the character begun to speak;

“Don’t worry dear child, I will sing you praises before the kill.”


Battle Ground IV

“Are you Elmo Luis Frank Navy Stein? The one I am to serve?”

“Yes. Yes, I am.”

“What am I required to call you?”

“Master’s fine. I don’t mean to be rude but could you take your creepy scythe away from me? Please.”

“No problem master.”

“So you don’t have a single skill?”

“I don’t know. Xenos didn’t program any information about my skills, I am sorry.”

“It’s okay. I guess it’s up to your owner to develop skills for you.”

Fear was a huge factor whenever I see her. I gulped every time she talks to me. I pinched myself so many times, but I still won’t wake up from this damn dream. And if the thing infront of me, Cross Apocalypse and her scythe are real, Xenos Corp. must be insane.

Damn. I still can’t believe this is happening to me. As I stared at Cross Apocalypse, I realized something, if the characters are real, then for sure, the battles are also real! Crap.

“So, I guess, if you’re real… the battles are also real.”

“Yes master.”

“Oh okay. Can you return to my computer now?”

“I believe that’s not possible master, you’ve already summoned me.”

What am I going to do now? I have no choice but to let her stay with me, besides, my parents won’t care anyway.

“Hey el estupidos, can I keep a girl as my pet?”

“No problem son, just make sure it won’t poop on the floor, okay?”

“Okay mom, thanks.”

See? So I don’t have a single problem anymore but how to win with this kind of character. Tomorrow morning, it’s Saturday, and I’ll try to work on her. It’s quite impossible to include a character with no special skills at all in a game, right? So, she must have something on her sleeves. The Xenos didn’t program any information because maybe they wanted the players to have some kind of a challenge in altering their own characters.

“Cross Apocalypse, I command you to wake me up at exactly 7:00 am”

“Yes master.”

“So where will you sleep?”

She pointed at my bed. Yeah, sleeping with a really cute fictional character like her is so awesome yet so eerie. I let her sleep on my bed, so I had to sleep on the floor because she wanted Grimm, yeah; she named her scythe, to sleep next to her. Damn.


Battle Ground III

As I’ve explored the Hiatus official website, I saw all the other gamers’ profiles; I guess Xenos wasn’t kidding at all when they included the word “Elite” in their email. Being one of them, right now, was a solid reason to continue my vague life, a valid reason to pursue one thing I hated the most, living.

I’ve already downloaded and installed the game, but it won’t let me play cause the official beginning of the tournament will be launch 2 days from now. So instead of doing anything else, I did a research on my character but the window that says “background is unknown” keeps popping out of my screen. So my character doesn’t have a background, I guess I might not be the only one. Maybe I’m the one responsible for constructing her background, and the website cannot find her skills too, now what? I’m stuck with the weakest! But I can’t give up now, victory is the only choice I’ve got because if I don’t win, the things I’ve dreamt of will be forever unreachable.

It was already pass four in the morning when I got tired of researching for my character, I spent almost 3 hours on one thing and I didn’t even get one bit of information. All I know is her name and what she looks like.

I slept, I got pissed. What a worthless character, the game hasn’t even started yet she’s already a pain in the ass. Damn.

It was already 7:00 am when I woke up; I couldn’t smash my alarm clock, because if I did, my father would probably beat me up again. I had to go to school, and as usual, I was late.

I seized the day on the roof top, wondering how I could enhance my character’s skills. The day passed by quickly and fortunately, I survived high school for another day. I went home immediately to check the website once again.

[ 1 more day of reality till the delusion begins. ]; it was posted on their homepage, eerie yet catchy. And again, I was still searching for Cross Apocalypse’s skills and background. But I gave up after a couple of minutes when I realized it’s hopeless to find even one single result.

I got so pissed. I just turned my eyes to my window, and thus, as beautiful as ever, the night sky was there. As I was already chilling out, I saw a hand grabbed on to my window pane. “Damn you! Show yourself, you bastard!” I shouted bravely as my whole body is quivering with fear.

Douche! Show yourself at once!” I screamed over and over again. I went to get my baseball bat under the bed, and finally, the bastard showed half of his head… and it had a pink hair? Pssshhh… pink? Seriously? Monsters these days are becoming more and more absurd. It slowly showed itself and went inside my room, but as I witnessed what it was, I began laughing at myself for completely chickening, she’s just a teenage girl… cute school uniform, long pink hair, gentle red eyes… and, oh shit, a huge scythe behind her! Damn, am I hallucinating? Or is it really her? Cross Apocalypse?

Cro-crosss-cross…a-apocaly-lypse?” I asked.

Yes master?” she answered and damn I almost passed out.


Battle Ground II

Elmo Luis Frank N. Stein;

We invite you to the massive world of Hiatus, an MMORPG created by the leading gaming corporation - Xenos. Only 100 gamers had been included in the game, and you, ranked ninety-first, are one of them. Xenos congratulates you for being ranked as ninety-first and for you to be chosen to participate in this competition.

Death – it’s the only thing standing between you and victory. Play and survive; no conditions, no rules.

- [ x ] e n o s || Hiatus: The Missing Link

Like what I've said, Gaming was the only thing that crossed my mind. I was in it not to survive, but to conquer everything within my range, to satisfy my lust and be the invulnerable.

Just reading this invitation makes my adrenaline rush with so much prowess. Having 100 players kill each other, no rules and regulations inside the battle field, it means no one can escape an opponent’s fury.

To think that I was ranked as elite was the only thing I can be proud of, and if I managed to win this game, I will conquer the online world, supporters, fame, money… you name it; everything I ever wanted.

So why hesitate? I immediately accepted their invitation,nothing will be lost if I try to reach for victory in Hiatus, right? Besides,it’s just another MMORPG hosted by Xenos. Hiatus might have different standards in gaming, but I bet it’ll be like all the other games they’ve created.

I started to register, but the register engine would only take full real names, I guess Xenos wanted to make sure that they have the right gamers. So I had to no choice but to put my real name, quite dangerous cause if this was a scam, they already got me, but I was willing to gamble just to play for Xenos.

Hiatus had some weird mechanics, characters were randomly given to the players. No players had the same character, it means if there are100 players, then there must me 100 characters.

The register engine gave a character named “Cross Apocalypse”. Cross, then add it with Apocalypse, it was massive. Just when I thought I had the strongest, I saw a sample picture,and I found out that “he” is female. She had a long pink hair, had gentle red
eyes… if you think she’s cute, you should have seen the huge eerie scythe behind her, I guess that would be her only tool to survive.

After witnessing how weak my character was, I asked myself if I had a chance in winning it, but giving up doesn't matter anymore for me. Having a chance to defeat the undefeated was an opportunity I cannot bear to ignore.

Battle Ground I

The night sky cried crimson as the full moon shone on my path as I walk closer to death. The Grim Reaper, you ask? Her ruby red eyes stared upon my weak and puny half dead body as she swung her scythe. She made a bloodshed battlefield herself, her lust for blood never seemed to satisfy her.

I lay upon the bloody battle ground when I said my goodbyes to my dear but absurd life.

She raised the tool meant for death, and then I thought, this bloodlust monster wasn’t always like this, she was sweet, kind and caring, though weak, she still manages to stand up on her own, but, what happened? Was this all my fault? Is my vague death my own doing? Am I the victim of my own sins?

As death came within my soul, I closed my eyes, not of fear, but the bliss of cherishing the past of this bloodlust assassin. The past – when she ate cookies instead of flesh, when she loved day not night… and when she knew how to smile, not to kill.

I cherished it… her past, my past, our past, memories that were left to rot.

I remember it as if it was only a moment ago; I was one of the many gamers of the new generation, online ‘til dawn, nonstop gaming, as I say… “I play, I breathe.”

There’s not a thing that I would craved to do the most but Gaming, it was basically the spine of my life, without it, I can’t continue to survive this cruel world of ours.

I got engaged with it, not because I’m attached to socializing online but because of the rage I kept everyday which was the cause of everyday bullying, irresponsible parents and a damn life. Online, I can let this rage out; even have a bloodlust rampage legally… I am powerful; no one could push me around in these territories. I loved it, the power, the fame, the glory… I loved it all. Naïve but it is what I lust.

Every second of my life feels like hell, but these online games put an end to my misery, they let me lived in a world where I can let my anger flow with frenzy. MMORPGs brought me a new hope for my life that maybe someday, I can become like my character in these online games, powerful and undefeated.

All the crap about life makes me so frustrated, but I can’t do anything about it; I can’t confront my parents, I can’t fight bullies, and I barely survive my everyday life. It’s like suffering hell over and over again. I get beat up by my classmates, my parents, and worst of all, by the people I don’t even know. I’m a puny parasite, not to be ever treated as a human being.

I found myself in the midst hell and life as I struggled to survive ‘til one day, an email was sent in my inbox. It’s from a group of game creators called the “XENOS” who had been making MMORPGs that I’ve been playing as far as I can remember. I didn’t bother to hesitate because Gaming was the only thing that crossed my mind.


In Philosophy, reality is basically the contrasting idea of being delusional. To be able to achieve reality, one must exist, have existed or will exist. Generally, reality includes everything that is and has been.

Reality - What is it? A state where one is real, a condition when nothing is imagined? Will that be the definition of it? As simple as that… Seriously?

For a massively multiplayer online role-playing game addict, reality is a seven letter word that I can never define… or at least, that’s what I thought…

The name’s Elmo Luis Frank Navy Stein, I want to tell the tale how I desperately sought it's true definition, not general, nor basic but mainly the truth.